Using GoSignMeUp Features to
Boost Professional Development 
Many customers of GoSignMeUp Online Registration software use the product to facilitate staff development, training programs and professional development programs. There are a lot of built-in features which administrators utilize to help boost their professional development programs. Here are some examples;
Analyze Trends and Repeat Successes
Administrators can review past registration data to analyze why or why not a course was successful. Course date, time and topics are all factors to consider when enrollment expectations are not met. However, if the course does well, repeat the winning formula. Analyzing this data helps with determining whether a course is successful and should be advertised in the future. A surprising trend is that educators are willing to attend courses branded as ‘Tech Summits’ that run on Saturdays. If it is a hot topic, educators are willing to give up their days off to get ahead!
No-Cost Course Creation & Cancellation
A quick and easy way to see if there is interest in a course is to create one. Simply add a new course or duplicate a course already on your site. Simple changes in dates or times may make the difference in enrollment. It is ‘risk free’ to add courses to your GoSignMeUp site and cancelling the course is just a simple. Any registrants enrolled in a course will automatically receive a cancellation email, which can be modified to include future course offerings.
Course Statistics
Registrants prefer to see course statistics. Electing to show how many open seats in a course give a sense of urgency to the registrant. This generates talk and increase enrollment. The option to make Open Seats and Wait List viewable is available for all courses.
Leverage Instructor Popularity
A successful course has many factors, and one of them is the Instructor. Instructors can become Superstar Instructors as a result of a successful course. Statistics show that when a Superstar Instructor advertises a new course it fills to capacity very quickly. A well-written Instructor biography promotes the Instructor and the course; it allows the registrant to get to know the Instructor better when selecting courses.
“No other system we have used motivates teachers to take classes as much as compared to GoSignMeUp!”
This is the way a professional development product should work. It should create an excitement for learning. GoSignMeUp does that!
GoSignMeUp creates a professional development solution that offers a highly flexible and easy way to for folks to take classes to better their professional development and portfolio. There is no better investment than the “mind.” We at GoSignMeUp are proud that we make a difference; our product builds leadership capacity within organizations.