Name badges: seven steps to effective use

Printed name badges are always better than hand-written ones because 99.35% of us write so terribly that future archaeologists will fail to decipher our society’s written word.Name badges That said, if your organization generates name badges for events, make sure they perform their primary function—which is to identify the badge wearer.

Content should at least include the individual’s name and (if appropriate) organization, in a font size large enough to read from several feet away. You don’t want anyone to have to squint to a read a person’s name badge.

Badges should be worn on the upper chest, right side, so they can be read easily when shaking hands as the eyes move upward toward the face. That way, it’s easy to read the name of a person one has met several times before without looking like a complete idiot.

Beyond that, here’s a simple checklist to ensure effective name badgery (which should be a word).
1. Dark text on white. Avoid hard-to-read text colors.
2. Easy to ready font. Reserve elaborate serifs and curlicues for wedding and cotillion invitations.
3. Keep your logo small. Everyone should know who is putting on the event. The attendee’s name is the star of the badge.
4. Don’t cram. Keep the badge elements to a minimum. No one wants to read Moby Dick on name badges.
5. Stick with a reasonable size. There are plenty of great size options for name badges, but avoid those the size of a sandwich board.
6. Get the QR Code right.  Not everyone is a fan of having smartphones waved at their chests. But if you decide to use QR Codes on name badges, make sure they’re large enough to be read by the scanner.
7. Work ahead. Print all badges ahead of the event while being prepared to handle same-day registrants and others. Your registration software should allow you to print one badge at a time on location.

Like all self-respecting registration management systems, our software includes badge management options that enable users to develop name badges from templates they create. Though basic sizes are built into the system, users can create templates to their preferred dimensions.

Name badges make events more open, social, and friendly. They also can help organizers confirm attendance, pinpoint feedback and target specific follow-up, all while giving attendees a sense of belonging and an appreciation for the event’s organization. If you have any questions about name badge creation–or why badgery isn’t a common word–please contact us at your convenience.